RIFE paper in Reflective Practice, August issue

Dina and Alice have a paper coming out in Reflective Practice in August 2011!

Abstract: This paper argues that interviewing is a process in which interviewees can reflect on critical decisions about their academic careers. Reflective practice is a course of action where a person ponders significant incidents in her or his life. In so doing, she or he can make critical decisions about her or his own well-being. Drawing on our experiences collecting qualitative data for ADVANCE Purdue, an NSF-funded project to increase the number and success of women faculty in STEM academic disciplines, we illustrate how interviews triggered our interviewees to think differently about accessing or interpreting promotion and tenure policies of the university. Hence, we argue that interviews can be considered as a form of reflective practice where interviewees decide to take alternative actions to enhance their well-being. In this paper, we ask: (a) how do interviews trigger new realizations among interviewees? (b) how do interviews act as agents of potential social change? Data are derived from semi-structured interviews with faculty members from science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and agriculture disciplines at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. We interpret the data qualitatively in the context of reflective practice.

2011. Banerjee, Dina, Alice L. Pawley. “Learning and Social Change: Using Interviews as Tools to Prompt Reflective Practice.” Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives, 12(4) pp. 441-455. Paper through journal.

Institutional ethnography as a method to understand the career and parental leave experiences of STEM faculty members

2011. Mercado Santiago, M., Pawley, A. L., Hoegh, J., & Banerjee, D. “Institutional Ethnography as a Method to Understand the Career and Parental Leave Experiences of STEM Faculty Members.” Paper presented at the 118th ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, June 27. Paper.

Call for papers for 2nd Annual Gender and STEM Symposium!

I am pleased to share with you that ADVANCE Purdue and the Center for Faculty Success will be hosting the 2nd Annual Gender and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Research Symposium February 17-18, 2011 at Purdue University.

We are now accepting abstracts to be presented during the main symposium day, February 18.  We encourage work submitted by undergraduates, graduate students, staff, and faculty from Purdue and across the Midwest region.  More information on the call is below; 250-word abstracts are due by January 15, 2011.

Our opening keynote on the evening of Feb 17 will be Dr. Virginia Valian, author of Why So Slow? The Advancement of Women (published by MIT Press, 1998).

We hope to be able to make registration free again this year, but will make updates about this on the symposium website, at http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/advance/cfs/symposium/symposium.php>

Please share this CFP widely, and consider submitting some of your work.  We look forward to seeing you in February!


Gender and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Research Symposium
February 17-18, 2011
hosted by ADVANCE-Purdue and the Center for Faculty Success

ADVANCE-Purdue and the Center for Faculty Success (http://www.purdue.edu/dp/advance/) invite abstracts for presentation, posters, and discussions for the second annual Gender and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Research Symposium, to be held February 17-18, 2011 at Purdue University (West Lafayette campus).  Researchers — including undergraduate students, graduate students, staff and faculty — from throughout the Midwest or beyond are encouraged to submit current research in the broad area of gender and STEM.  Please note: last year’s symposium was local; this year, we plan to be more regional in scope.

The objectives of this symposium are:

  • interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary networking of scholars who study gender and STEM,
  • capacity building and professional development for students and junior scholars, and
  • discussion of emerging methods to do substantive studies on gender and STEM.

Topics of research could include but are not limited to:

  • girls’ or women’s experiences and participation in STEM educational tracks or professional careers;
  • technical career choices as influenced by family responsibilities;
  • discourse analyses of how scientific texts are gendered, raced and classed;
  • literary critique of metaphors in scientific publications;
  • history of the masculinization of certain forms of technology;
  • gender representations in serious games;
  • identity construction in science and engineering contexts;
  • theory on or critique of gendered organizations;
  • topics categorized as feminist science and technology studies;
  • history of home economics and Lillian Gilbreth’s work on kitchen design;
  • young boys’ and girls’ development of engineering thinking;
  • interdisciplinary research methods used to understand new or different facets of the topic of gender and STEM;
  • methodologies that investigate different aspects of women’s lived experiences in relation to STEM;
  • intersectionality in the study of women’s underrepresentation in STEM professions;
  • intersectionality in the study of academic organizations; or
  • theoretical or methodological challenges and concerns in studying gendered and raced issues in STEM contexts.

We strongly encourage presenters to make explicit their theoretical foundation for their research design, methodology, educational intervention design and connection with gender.  In addition, we ask that presenters consider discussing gender in its context with race and ethnicity.  (This means, for example, in a sample of primarily white students, one should talk about them primarily as white students, and not simply as “students” as though they have no race/ethnicity).

Authors should submit an abstract of approximately 250 words on their paper topic and list up to 5 keywords that will help locate the paper within the broader topic of gender and STEM research. We will also ask you to please categorize your paper using some pre-determined keywords, and to locate your paper as embodying best practices, research-to-practice, research, or other.

Abstracts should be submitted online at <https://purdue.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_9sOOGkHvaLe5R4M> by January 15, 2011 to be considered for inclusion. All abstracts will be accepted (to facilitate making your travel plans) as well as peer-reviewed, and assigned to a formal oral presentation slot, a small group discussion slot, or a poster session.  Authors will be asked which format they may prefer, but conference organizers may need to move abstracts between preferred formats to facilitate scheduling.  Authors will be notified of the reviews of their abstract by January 24, 2011, and its format by January 31 if not before.  Presentations, discussions, and posters will be presented on the main symposium day, February 18, 2011.

We are also searching for reviewers to aid with peer-reviewing abstracts.  If you would like to serve as a reviewer for this symposium, please visit <https://purdue.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_cLOxBHt9eFyV5Dm> and complete the form.  We will be in touch with you again shortly.

Please contact ADVANCE symposium organizers Alice Pawley ([email protected]) and Dina Banerjee ([email protected]) with questions.  We look forward to your submissions!

Gender and STEM Research Symposium website: <http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/advance/cfs/symposium/symposium.php>

(Registration information will be posted here shortly.)

Alice presenting at NWSA on ADVANCE

I’m heading to the National Women’s Studies Association National Conference later this week to present as part of a panel some of our research from our ADVANCE project. Here’s more information:

Crossing Borders: Strengthening connections between NSF’s ADVANCE Program and Women’s Studies
Friday, November 12, 10:50am – 12:05pm in Plaza Concourse Level, rm Plaza Court 3

Panel abstract
ADVANCE is a NSF-funded program to help improve the recruitment, retention and success of women in scientific, technological, engineering and mathematical (STEM) academic careers. ADVANCE has funded four institutional cohorts through Institutional Transformation grants, involving 48 US institutions. But the largest intervention dedicated to improving the career success and worklife wellbeing of women STEM faculty in the US remains largely undertheorized and unexamined by feminist and gender scholars. Indeed, there are few explicit connections between ADVANCE programs and women’s studies programs. Additionally, while women’s studies scholars have interest in women’s underrepresentation in STEM careers for various reasons, little feminist or gender theory finds its way into ADVANCE-related research or program development. This panel argues that each is “outsider” to the other. We discuss what border-crossing connections there have been at some ADVANCE institutions, and what additional contributions feminist scholarship and methodologies can bring to present and future ADVANCE initiatives.

Alice Pawley: Research within ADVANCE-Purdue and the Center for Faculty Success
In the research program for ADVANCE-Purdue, we incorporate feminist methods of participatory action research, institutional ethnography, and critical storytelling in the interrogation of the career experiences of women STEM tenure-track faculty, with a particular focus on the experiences of women of color. In particular, she will discuss both the theoretical grounding of the group’s research in feminist scholarship as well as some of the institutional challenges they have experienced in trying to incorporate intersectionality into our research.

Alice Pawley is an assistant professor in the School of Engineering Education and an affiliate with the women’s studies program at Purdue University. She is the co-PI and Research Director of ADVANCE-Purdue. Contact information: 1325 Armstrong Hall of Engineering, 701 W. Stadium Ave, West Lafayette IN, 47906. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 1-765-496-1209.

Jill Bystydzienski: Collaboration across the Disciplines: ADVANCE at Ohio State University
The ADVANCE IT projects have made possible research and program cooperation among scholars from various disciplines in the physical sciences, the social sciences, humanities, and interdisciplinary fields like Women’s Studies. Based on her experience as co-Principal Investigator on Ohio State’s ADVANCE CEOS (Comprehensive Equity at Ohio State) project, she will discuss how feminist theory and practice have been reflected in the work of the ADVANCE team at OSU, as well as limits posed to such incorporation by multi-disciplinary collaboration.

Jill Bystydzienski is Professor and Chair in the Department of Women’s Studies at Ohio State University and co-PI on OSU’s ADVANCE IT grant. Contact information: 286 University Hall, 230 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 614-292-1021.

Sue Rosser: Using Women’s Studies to Facilitate Institutionalization of ADVANCE
Women’s Studies serves as a source for many of the tools needed by ADVANCE initiatives to ground their research, interact with the administrative hierarchy, and foster networks with women faculty, staff and students across campus. Based upon her experience both as a co-PI of an ADVANCE grant and as an external advisory board member to ADVANCE initiatives at nine other institutions, the presenter discusses the importance of having women’s studies faculty involved in the research, internal advisory boards, external advisory boards, and possibly as the final institutional home for ADVANCE because of Women’s Studies’ interdisciplinary connections with programs, departments, Student Affairs, status of women committees, and women across campus.

Sue Rosser is currently the Provost at San Francisco State University, where she is also Professor of Women and Gender Studies and of Sociology. Formerly she was the Dean of the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts at Georgia Tech, where she served as co-PI of their ADVANCE grant. Contact information: Provost’s Office, 455 Administration Building, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Ave., San Francisco, CA 94132. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 1-415-338-1141.

Sharon Bird: Translating Feminism and Appreciating Different Gender Strategies: ISU ADVANCE
ISU ADVANCE has succeeded in creating an infrastructure for institutional transformation that cuts horizontally across colleges and vertically across departments, colleges and upper administration. The program brings together faculty leaders of many different disciplinary backgrounds. Based on her work as Co-PI on ISU’s ADVANCE program and as director of the program’s “Collaborative Transformation” project, Bird will discuss some of the many ways in which ISU ADVANCE leaders have relied upon and “translated” feminism in their institutional transformation work. She will also discuss findings from a recent examination of STEM women faculty members’ different “gender strategies” and the importance of valuing these differences.

Sharon Bird is Associate Professor of Sociology and Affiliate faculty in Women’s Studies and African American Studies at Iowa State University. She is co-PI and Research Director on ISU’s ADVANCE IT grant. Contact information: 217B East Hall, Department of Sociology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011-1070. Email: [email protected]. Phone: 515-294-9283.

This panel contributes to the Feminists in Science and Technology Studies (FiSTS) slate of papers, also connected with the Science and Technology Taskforce.

ADVANCE-Purdue Research Team to host fall open house

Local Purdue colleagues are invited to attend our fall ADVANCE Research Open House on October 19. It will be held from 4-5 in the Elm and Walnut rooms of the West Lafayette Public Library, at 208 W. Columbia St in West Lafayette. Please note there is free public parking across the street from the library, and kids are always welcome both to the library and to our open house. We will have some light refreshments to share.

People are welcome to drop in and chat with ADVANCE Research Team members Dina Banerjee, Jordana Hoegh, Marisol Mercado Santiago, and Alice Pawley, or otherwise comment about our ADVANCE research projects, and will be invited to learn about potentially participating in our research studies, including our Academic Career Pathways study where we listen to people tell us their career stories, or through our Institutional Ethnography studies on Purdue’s parental leave policy or the colleges’ promotion and tenure policies.

In particular, we are interested in discussing alternative possible publication models, where people who contribute their stories to a research study as participants also get research credit for the research. If you are interested in discussing this with us, we particularly hope you’ll drop by.

We hope to see you on October 19!

ASEE 2010: Modeling the career pathways of women STEM faculty through oral histories and participatory research methods.

Women increasingly earn advanced degrees in science, technology, and mathematics (STEM), yet remain underrepresented among STEM faculty. Much of the existing research on this underrepresentation relies on “chilly climate” and “pipeline” theoretical models to explain this phenomenon. However, the extent to which these models follow women’s actual career pathways has been undertheorized. Further, alternative metaphors may more aptly describe the career pathways of women STEM faculty. In our broader research project, we examine the ways women’s career pathways into STEM faculty positions are similar to and/or different from chilly climate and pipeline models, and if they vary based on race and/or ethnicity. At present, we focus on the ways oral histories and participatory research methods allow us to model the career pathways of women STEM faculty.

Continue reading “ASEE 2010: Modeling the career pathways of women STEM faculty through oral histories and participatory research methods.”

ASEE 2010: Institutional Ethnography: A research method to investigate the work-life experiences of women faculty members in STEM disciplines

Women and people of color continue to be underrepresented among engineering faculty. A diverse engineering faculty body is important because it increases the likelihood of equitable hiring practices and reduces the likelihood of a hostile workplace climate, among other reasons. In turn, research hypothesizes that a diverse engineering faculty body will attract, recruit, and retain diverse students to the engineering profession. While there are a bevy of research papers published every year to address this persistent concern, there are few new or innovative ideas informing our theoretical groundwork for understanding these underrepresentations.

Continue reading “ASEE 2010: Institutional Ethnography: A research method to investigate the work-life experiences of women faculty members in STEM disciplines”

RIFE presents at the ENE Research Seminar

We had a great time talking about our research with the ENE research seminar audience. Thanks to everyone who came out to see us, thanks to the group for presenting, and thanks to folks who brought food for snack!

Here are our slides on Slideshare, but admittedly without the cool animation part. (Sorry – Slideshare has its limits, we guess…)