I am so pleased to share that both Corey and Michele have successfully defended their dissertations this summer.
Dr. Corey Schimpf’s dissertation is titled, “Exploring the Scaffolding Early Engineers’ Design Learning with a Videogame: Influence of Minecraft as a Platform for Design Ideation.” Corey is on the lookout for jobs in industry particularly related to game-based learning. Thank you to his committee: Drs. Alejandra Magana (Computer and Information Technology and ENE courtesy), Monica Cardella, Brent Jesiek, and Brian Castellani (Kent State)!
Dr. Michele Yatchemeneff’s dissertation is titled: “A Qualitative Study of Motivation in Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP) Precollege Students.” Michele is starting as a tenure-track faculty member in the College of Engineering at the University of Alaska Anchorage in the fall. She will be one of the first 2 Alaska Native faculty members in the college, and the other is a colleague also starting this fall. She will join only 4 other Alaska Native faculty members in the university as a whole, to make 6 total. Thanks to her committee: Drs. Allison Godwin, Monica Cardella, and Linda Lazzell (Vice Chancellor Emerita for Student Affairs at the University of Alaska Anchorage).
Congratulations both of you!