ASEE 2017 redux

Many current or former group members had a great time attending the American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition in Columbus OH at the end of June. Two FREE alumni gave papers:

  • Exploring Engineering Identity in a Common Introduction to Engineering Course to Improve Retention [view paper] Dr. Michele Yatchmeneff (University of Alaska Anchorage) and Dr. Matthew Calhoun (University of Alaska Anchorage)
  • Characterizing Students’ Micro-Iterations Strategies through Data-Logged Design Actions [view paper] Dr. Corey T. Schimpf (The Concord Consortium) and Dr. Charles Xie (The Concord Consortium)

In addition, Alice got some time in front of the camera in preparation – the School of Engineering Education produced a short video about the work we do at Purdue, and it was broadcast across the conference and into every conference hotel room! Check it out for yourself.  Alice’s part starts at 3:22 minutes in.

Alice’s lightning talk at Ed Foo Camp

Alice just came back from a fantastic weekend at Ed Foo Camp, hosted by Google, O’Reilly Media, McMillan Publishing, Sesame Workshop, and Scientific American, in San Jose CA. She got to give a 5-min lightning talk too, and the text of that is here.  It was unbelievable to see all the inspiring work that educators, entrepreneurs, programmers, media folks, and so on, shared with each other.  It was an honour to attend.

Congratulations to Canek!

I am so pleased to share that Canek Phillips has successfully defended and deposited his dissertation!  His work is titled, “Race, class and gender in engineering education: A quantitative investigation of First Year enrollment.”  Thank you to his committee, Drs. Brent Jesiek, Stephanie Zywicki (Curriculum & Instruction), and Kevin Stainback (Sociology)) and his co-chair Dr. Matt Ohland. Congratulations, Dr. Phillips!

Congratulations to Michele and Corey!

I am so pleased to share that both Corey and Michele have successfully defended their dissertations this summer.

Dr. Corey Schimpf’s dissertation is titled, “Exploring the Scaffolding Early Engineers’ Design Learning with a Videogame: Influence of Minecraft as a Platform for Design Ideation.” Corey is on the lookout for jobs in industry particularly related to game-based learning.  Thank you to his committee: Drs. Alejandra Magana (Computer and Information Technology and ENE courtesy), Monica Cardella, Brent Jesiek, and Brian Castellani (Kent State)!

Dr. Michele Yatchemeneff’s dissertation is titled: “A Qualitative Study of Motivation in Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP) Precollege Students.” Michele is starting as a tenure-track faculty member in the College of Engineering at the University of Alaska Anchorage in the fall. She will be one of the first 2 Alaska Native faculty members in the college, and the other is a colleague also starting this fall. She will join only 4 other Alaska Native faculty members in the university as a whole, to make 6 total. Thanks to her committee: Drs. Allison Godwin, Monica Cardella, and Linda Lazzell (Vice Chancellor Emerita for Student Affairs at the University of Alaska Anchorage).

Congratulations both of you!

Michele presents at ANSEP 2015 Celebration

DSC_0021I got to take a quick trip to Alaska to see Michele present at the annual celebration and banquet of ANSEP, the Alaska Natives in Science and Engineering Program.  This is ANSEP’s 20th anniversary, too!  Michele did a fantastic job presenting to all 1200+ folks, and gave me a great tour of her neck of the state.  Thanks, Michele!

Congratulations to Marisol!

Marisol has successfully defended her dissertation, titled “Culturally Responsive Engineering Education: A Case Study of a Pre-College Introductory Engineering Course at Tibetan Children’s Village School of Selakui.”  Congratulations Dr. Santiago!  We are so proud of you!

Corey publishes ADVANCE work in IJGST

Congratulations to Corey for leading our recent publication, “STEM Faculty and Parental Leave: Understanding an Institution’s Policy within a National Policy Context through Structuration Theory” in the International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology. Marisol started this paper back in 2010, and Dina, Jordana and I are coauthors. Congrats Corey, and everyone! You can check it out here

American Society for Engineering Education 2013 Conference

Next week is the American Society for Engineering Education 2013 Conference.  RIFE members will have a number of presentations there:


7:00 AM to 8:30 AM Georgia World Congress Center, A304

Beyond SES: Individual Financial Status as a Predictor of Persistence for High-performing Undergraduate Engineering Students

—  James J. Pembridge, Kacey Beddoes

4:30 PM to 6:00 PM  Omni CNN Center Hotel, Omni – Hazelnut

Assessing Student Design Work in Social Entrepreneurship Projects

–Lindsey Nelson


2:15 PM to 3:45 PM Georgia World Congress Center, A412

The Dynamics of Attracting Switchers: A Cross-Disciplinary Comparison

–Corey Schimpf, George Ricco, Matt Ohland

2:15 PM to 3:45 PM Omni CNN Center Hotel, Omni – Cottonwood A

Engaging Foucault to Better Understand Underrepresentation of Female STEM Faculty

–Kacey Beddoes, Corey Schimpf, Alice Pawley

4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Omni CNN Center Hotel, Omni – Dogwood A

“Learning from small numbers” of underrepresented students’ stories: Discussing a method to learn about institutional structure through narrative

–Alice Pawley

4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Omni CNN Center Hotel, Omni – Walnut

Really Changing the Conversation: The Deficit Model and Public Understanding of Engineering

–Canek Phillips and Kacey Beddoes


7:00 AM to 8:30 AM Georgia World Congress Center, A309

Learning Strategies and Learning Traits Critical to Practicing Engineers after College

–Daniel Ferguson, James Cawthorne, Corey Schimpf, and Monica Cardella

2:15 PM to 3:45 PM Georgia World Congress Center, A301

Making the Most of Site Visits

–Lindsey Nelson

Please stop by any you’re interested in! See you there!