I-MATTER (Identifying Marginalization and Allying Tendencies in Teams of Engineering Recruits)

This project uses historical CATME data, classroom observation, and diary data to develop tools to help instructors identify at scale when students are engaging in marginalizing (such as racist, sexist, and/or homophobic) behaviors towards their teammates, and to learn to interrupt it. This project is in year 3.

With: Stephanie Masta, Darryl Dickerson, Matthew Ohland, Janelle Grant, Cara Margerio, Austin Peters, Alice Pawley (PI)

NSF-1936778. $630,386.00.


  1. Dickerson, Darryl. A., Stephanie Masta, Matthew W. Ohland, & Alice L. Pawley (2021, July), “How Can We Identify Teams at Risk of Marginalizing Minoritized Students, at Scale?” Paper presented at 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, Virtual Conference. https://peer.asee.org/37250
  2. Masta, Stephanie, Darryl Dickerson, Alice L. Pawley, & Matthew W. Ohland (2022, February). “The minimization of microaggressions in engineering education.” Paper presented at the Collaborative Network for Engineering and Computing Diversity. New Orleans, LA.
  3. Grant, Janelle,G Stephanie Masta, Darryl Dickerson, Alice L. Pawley, Matthew W. Ohland, (2022, June), “I Don’t Like Thinking About this Stuff’: Black and Brown Student Experiences in Engineering Education” Paper presented at 2022 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Minneapolis, MN. https://peer.asee.org/41397
  4. Pawley, Alice L., Stephanie Masta, Janelle GrantG, Darryl Dickerson, Matthew Ohland. (2023) “It is in fact your job: making visible and addressing the ever-present marginalization of minoritized undergraduate engineering teammates with instructors as their responsibility.” Paper presented at the 2023 Canadian Engineering Education Association National Conference, Kelowna BC, June 2023.
  5. Dickerson, Darryl, Janelle GrantG, Cara Margherio, Stephanie Masta, Matthew W. Ohland, Alice L Pawley. (2023) “Increasing faculty responsibility for students’ sense of support in the classroom: lessons from I-MATTER for Black and Brown students.” Paper to be presented at the 2023 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Baltimore MD, June 2023.
  6. Ohland, Matthew, Stephanie Masta, Darryl Dickerson, Alice L. Pawley (in preparation) “Making engineering education more inclusive by the power of defaults.” Paper submitted to the IEEE/ERM Frontiers in Education Conference, October 2023, College Station TX.